

  • The appeal process varies from State to State.
  • When you first apply, the field office will verify age, marital status, employment and if you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance by determining the amount of taxes paid. If denied, you usually must file a request for reconsideration.
  • At the reconsideration stage, the Disability Determination Services (DDS), a State Agency, will determine if you are disabled based on your medical records and their doctors’ evaluations. If DDS finds you disabled, the field office will determine how much you are entitled to. If DDS finds your not disabled, your case will move to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. Most cases are denied at the reconsideration stage.
  • When in front of an Administrative Law Judge, you will have a judge determine if you are disabled. Most cases are won at this stage.
  • If denied, you can have your case reviewed by the Appeals Council.
  • Appeals can be filed online, at your local social security office or by mail.
  • The appeals process could take up to several years.